Friday, 4 March 2016

Printing the first Winterbourne Lino

After finally finishing cutting the first of the Winterbourne linos, I was able to pop into Margaret Street today to proof it. This seemed appropriate as the print features the front entrance of the School of Art. It's an exciting thing to ink up a lino that you have been working on for such a long time. You finally see it as you have been imagining it to look - and hoping you don't spot any mistakes!

I wanted to use cotton based papers to emulate the Kelmscott Press works that I have seen. After having sort advice from the lovely folks at John Purcell Papers, I decided to try Velim Arches and a Zerkall paper. I tried the Velim both damp and dry using the Columbia Press. I also hand burnished onto Tosa Washi.

I'm pretty pleased with these first proofs.